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2/28/11 Montly/Yearly Review

Totals for the month of February:

11 Unearned Rest : 42.9%
4 Earned Rest: 14.2%
12 WODS: 42.9%

Total for the year thus far:

32 WODS:                54.24%
9 Earned Rest:           15.2%
16 Unearned Rest:     27.12%
2 Leisurely Workouts:  3.4%

Very disappointed in my February results. I have excuses but honestly who cares. We all do and in the end its all about priority anyways. Here's to focusing myself into a much better March.

1 comment:

bc1424' said...

Health is wealth
"Make healthy, active living a priority in your life, as important as your job or anything else. It will yield returns in ways you could never imagine."

-Dean Karnazes

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