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Goals 2011

These goals are for the next year, some are more quantifiable while others are more qualitative. Some can be attained tomorrow some will take the length of the year. Overall the goal is for all of them to go hand in hand with one another in an effort to improve myself over this next year. Some I am sure will be changed during the year but all will be re-evaluated during the year as needed. Once some goals are attained higher goals will be set in an effort for continuous self improvement.

1. Workout and log in this blog a minimum of 200 workouts in 2011 (not including rest days)
2. Attain my first ever muscle up
3. 2 x bodyweight dead lift
4. 1.75 x bodyweight back squat
5. 1.5 x bodyweight front squat(235# 2.12.11)
6. 1 x bodyweight overhead squat
7. 25 Kipping pull ups (unbroken)
8. 15 strict pull ups (unbroken)
9. 10 hspu (unbroken)
10. Sub 6:30 1 mile(6:22 1.04.11), sub 14:00 2 mile, sub 22:00 5k
11. Both go to and perform well in 2011 summer shop games and winter shop games(end of 2011)
12. Reach and maintain for the majority of the year a bodyweight between 175 and 182 lbs
13. 1.25 x bodyweight squat clean (205lb 2.7.11, approx 1.11 x BW)
14. Gym Jones 300 workout in less than 20 minutes(277 reps in 27 minutes 1.17.11).
15. 10 reps of 205lb Benchpress(2.12.11 4reps)

I am sure these will be updated and added to during the year but this is a good start!